Friday, August 1, 2008

July 30th

This probably isn't the strongest image to end this image dump on.... but.... meh....

July 29th

One month later after starting this blog.... and in celebration.... I drew a Krang....

July 28th

Probably the best therapy I have....

July 27th

July 26th

July 25th

Preferred food of YOUR big red pet!

July 24th

July 23rd

For those of you who saw the 3 short films I'm sure you recognize this character.... for those of you who didn't, zip on over to itunes and invest the whopping 2 dollars in the Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog by Joss Whedon...
.... it is a musical though. A musical for Geeks....hehe.

July 22nd

This month I finished reading the last installment of Y The Last Man....
I think over the span of that comic's life, I invested so much thought and emotion into those characters, that when it ended it tugged pretty hard on the ol' heart strings. I really found a lot of myself in Yorick's character....
For all his down falls and issues, I'd hope to be able to handle a situation of that magnitude half as well as he did....

July 21st

I... tried to do some drawings of the Joker.....
.... they tended to look more like Zac hopped up on cookies and milk....

July 20th

I should have posted something better than this to post.... this is embarrassing....

July 19th

July 18th

We went to Colorado to take part in some white water rapids...

While we were there Lisa thought about getting another tattoo to accompany the one she already has on her foot....
So spawned my lady bugs....
You ever tried to draw a lady bug? I hadn't either.... but it made for a cheap day's drawings....

July 17th

July 16th

July 15th

July 14h

July 13h

I'm a dummy........ sometimes I get too caught up in the thought inspiring the drawing to continue the drawing....

July 12th

July 11th

Sometimes I don't have a lot of time to do a quality drawing....
.... some would debate that there's a strong irony to that sentence.

And sometimes I have an urge to draw WoW characters....

July 10th

After scanning in this image and playing with it in Photoshop, I noticed that turning the contrast way up catches the image I did on the previous day on the other side of the page....

A simple whim drawing inspired by the emotion that it conveys....

July 9th

This had a reason behind it.... but at this moment I have no idea why or what caused it....

July 8th

Sometimes one drawing on one day turns into 4 a month later.... and then I publish it as a single day's drawings... because I'm lazy....

July 7th

Sometimes I get stuck in themes...